5 Ways to Maintain Work-Life Balance As a Full Time Artist - The Key To Success!

Episode 25 Show Transcript - Empowered Artist Podcast

Hey there, amazing artists and fellow creatives!

Welcome back to the Empowered Artist Podcast. Episode 25 – now that's a milestone, and I'm thrilled you're here with me.

In today's episode, we're going to dive into something that's not just about strategies but also about nurturing yourself as an artist.

It's all about maintaining a work-life balance and ensuring you're in it for the long haul.

I'll share five changes I've made in my life as an Artpreneur that have helped me find harmony between work and well-being.

Plus, you'll discover my number one priority for long-term success as a full time artist and how to embrace rest without the guilt.

A Difficult Decision that Led to a Valuable Lesson

I want to start by sharing a recent decision I had to make in my business. This decision was a tough one, but it taught me some invaluable lessons about the importance of taking care of ourselves as artists.

Prioritizing Health: The Key to Long-Term Success

As full time artists, it's easy to get caught up in our work, to obsess over perfection, and to work tirelessly without breaks. But here's the thing: I recently got sick, and it was a wake-up call. This illness made me realize that without our health, we have nothing. It's not just about physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. So, why do we often put self-care on the back burner?

The Cycle of Fear, Shame, and Guilt

One word: overwhelm. When we're overwhelmed, we find ourselves trapped in a cycle of fear, shame, and guilt. Resting becomes a guilt-ridden experience. We label ourselves as "lazy," and the negative self-talk begins. But why do we do this to ourselves?

Learning to Rest Without Shame

The truth is, if we don't learn to rest properly, it leads to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and unhealthy comparisons. Resting becomes a source of stress rather than rejuvenation. We need to break free from this cycle and learn how to rest without shame.

Five Changes for a Better Work-Life Balance

Now, let's dive into the five changes I've made to maintain a healthier work-life balance as an Artpreneur. These changes have not only improved my productivity but have also nurtured my well-being.

1. From "Rest" to "Self-Honoring"

The first change is a simple yet powerful one. I've stopped calling it "rest" and now refer to it as "self-honoring." Recognizing that taking care of myself is not laziness but a form of honoring my well-being has shifted my perspective.

2. Banishing the Word "Lazy"

The second change involves removing the word "lazy" from my vocabulary entirely. We often label ourselves as lazy when we take a break, and it's time to let go of this negative self-talk.

3. Prioritizing Health Above All

Health is now my number one priority, and it should be yours too. Knowing your priorities makes decision-making a breeze. No more guilt or shame when you prioritize your health.

4. Nurturing My Spirit Daily

I've also learned that I need to fill my spiritual cup daily. Whether it's through a walk, meditation, or simply connecting with a friend, nurturing your spirit is essential to maintaining balance.

5. Taking Work Breaks

Lastly, I've started taking work breaks regularly. Even if you're passionate about your work, it's crucial not to let it consume you entirely. Allowing for breaks prevents unhealthy obsessions from taking hold.

Key Takeaway: Prioritize Yourself

Remember, as an artist, your well-being is your greatest asset. By making these five changes and prioritizing yourself, you can maintain a healthy work-life balance that ensures long-term success as an Artpreneur and full time artist.

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I hope you found some valuable insights in today's episode. If you did, please share your thoughts with me on Instagram at @jennawebbart. And don't forget to leave a review, follow, and share this podcast with a fellow artist or friend if this episode resonated with you.

Stay empowered, my friends. I love you, I'm proud of you, and I can't wait to catch you right here next week for another incredible episode. Have an amazing week!

Love and Positive Vibes,


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