6 Uncommon Pricing Tips To Sell More Art Online + How To Make Money As An Artist

Episode 19 Show Transcript - Empowered Artist Podcast

Welcome back to another enlightening episode of our journey towards art business success. Today, we're diving into a treasure trove of pricing secrets that will revolutionize the way you sell your art online.

As we step into the realm of 2023, these six uncommon pricing tips will be your guiding light to connect with your audience and thrive in the online art world.

1. Craft Your Story through Artist Statements

Let's start with the foundation – your artist statement. Rewrite it to shine a spotlight on your unique story. Your art isn't just a visual creation; it's an extension of your experiences, emotions, and journey.

Unveil what sets your art apart, and let your audience connect with your narrative. Stories resonate, and through them, you create a deeper bond between your audience and your art.

2. Speak Directly to Your Audience

Imagine addressing a friend by their name and seeing their face light up. Similarly, knowing your audience inside out allows you to craft messages that deeply resonate. Delve into their fears, desires, and wants. When your communication speaks directly to their hearts, your art transforms into a solution, sparking an emotional connection that drives sales.

3. Ascend the Value Ladder

Picture this – a ladder with rungs of diverse offers, each catering to different needs and budgets. Building a value ladder brings versatility to your art business. From affordable prints to exclusive originals, you're catering to a wide range of art lovers. This approach nurtures customer loyalty and encourages repeat purchases, creating a sustainable income stream.

4. Multiply Art, Multiply Value

Why sell just one piece when you can bundle several artworks together? Bundles not only enrich the buyer's experience but also elevate your average order value. Create themed collections or complementary pieces that tell a cohesive story. Buyers are drawn to value, and bundled art creates a sense of exclusivity, driving them to invest more.

5. The Art of Downsells

When a potential buyer says, "I can't afford it," it doesn't mean the conversation is over. Offer downsells – alternative options that align with their budget. These could be prints, smaller pieces, or digital versions of your art. This thoughtful approach retains potential customers and positions you as an artist who cares, while still sharing your creativity with the world.

6. Embrace Direct Sales Conversations

It's time to step out of the shadows and embrace confident sales conversations. Clear communication is key. Art isn't just about aesthetics; it's an experience that holds value. By confidently articulating this value, you're not just selling art – you're offering an enriching experience.

Beyond the Price Tag

Now, let's address a common misconception – pricing isn't just about the numbers on a tag. It's a symphony of factors, including your mindset, connection with your audience, and the overall value your business brings. The "pricing problem" is often a façade. In truth, it's a "business plan problem."

Master Your Art Pricing Strategy

So, my fellow creators, there you have it – six uncommon pricing tips that will catapult your online art business to new heights in 2023. Each tip weaves into a bigger picture, painting a portrait of your success. By understanding these pricing intricacies, you'll shatter the glass ceiling that separates you from consistent sales and artistic fulfillment.

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If you would like to work with me personally, we can do that together inside my signature program Artpreneur Academy. 

The Academy is a fully comprehensive, customizable blueprint to becoming a self-reliant, empowered, art business owner. 

It’s worked for over 750+ artists! 

And it can work for you too. 

You can visit this page: Artpreneur Academy more or click the button below to learn all about it.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of art business wisdom. If these tips resonated with you, hit that subscribe button so you never miss a transformative episode. Keep honing your craft, keep exploring the depths of your creativity, and keep sharing your art with the world. Until next time, stay inspired and keep thriving!

Love and Positive Vibes,


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