3 Secrets to be a Confident Artist & Why Imposter Syndrome is Healthy for your Art Business

Episode 13 Show Transcript - Empowered Artist Podcast

Building Confidence as an Art Business Owner

Want to build your confidence as an artist immediately? Imagine taking action in your business without hesitation. See yourself making strides in the direction of your dreams without lugging the baggage of anxiety and fear. You, my friend, just need confidence.

Confidence is for everyone. You don't just have it or not have it. It is not a feeling, but something you have to build through taking action. And you can totally do it.

You’re about to learn why trusting yourself, trying new things, and embracing failure are key. 

And, understand the importance of celebrating small wins so that you can enjoy the entire journey towards success.

What questions do you have for me? Let’s do a Q&A episode!

I know this blog is gonna drum up some questions so leave me a podcast voicemail now (and anytime!). Go to JennaWebbart.com/podcast. Give me a thought or question, and I would love to do a Q&A episode.

Here are 3 Ways to Build Your Confidence as an Art Business owner Today and Everyday.

1. Trust Yourself

You learn to trust yourself by following through on what you say you are going to do. 

That signals to your brain a sense of accomplishment, no matter how small the task. And that builds a confidence and reward loop. 

I varnished a painting. I made my bed this morning. I completed something. And I feel proud. I feel good. I trust that the next time I set out to do something, I will do it because I am not only capable but I respect myself.

When you don’t do something you said you were going to do, and it was important, what starts happening? 

The negative self-talk, and the name calling. You pull out the shame stick and start beating yourself with it.  

Then there’s the dread of what you haven't done, and as a result, the anxiety builds. 

That tears down your confidence.

And guess what empowered artist? That’s not allowed in this club! No no no honey.

Nothing matters more than our self talk.  

I’ll give you a short and sweet exercise at the end of this post to build your confidence in real-time, starting today.

2. Try New Things – Even When They’re Scary

Trying new things is scary. It’s uncomfortable.

Starting a new creative business can be really scary or really exciting. 

But if we wait until we have confidence to do it, it won’t happen. If you wait to gather all the pieces, you are delaying your success, and you’re not learning anything. 

Everyone starts at zero. 

You have to be willing to be a beginner at something new. 

We have to teach ourselves new skills, just like riding a bike for the very first time. 

We aren’t born experts.

I started my art business without a website, with zero social media followers, and I taught myself how to paint.

I went to a drawing class - one of the students was half my age and he was wildly talented. 

I didn't know what the heck I was doing when I started this podcast. There are 5 million podcasts out there, but I was willing to try anyway with all my hangups and fears about my health.

Mantra: Feeling the fear and doing it anyway. 

Confidence does NOT come from ruminating. That only creates anxiousness and chaos in your brain of what could go wrong. Stop overthinking! 

Have the courage to dive in and start learning on the go.

3. Don’t be Afraid to Fail

Don’t be afraid to look foolish. Failure is part of growth. This is part of having a growth mindset. Confidence is built when we fail because that’s when we learn. 

Confidence is not built when we are winning. Confidence is built when we try, fail, learn, and try again – and do it better the next time.

Don’t expect overnight success. That doesn't exist.

No one knows what they are doing! We all start as beginners. But the confident successful business owners are the ones who keep trying, and learning, and improving. We are all human and we are all just trying our best at life here!

You're going to make mistakes. Take action and treat the results like a science experiment. If you don't get the results you hoped for, you didn't fail. You learned. Get excited to try everything!

Do the thing! Post a video on social media. Try a new art medium…

With a growth mindset, you do not beat yourself up for the results you expected and didn't get. You pat yourself on the back, and look at what you can learn from and do better. 

If you don’t gather the data, you are staying in your comfort zone.

If you feel like an imposter. Embrace it. I love it! 

That's a sign that you are pushing yourself into new beginnings!

A Simple Exercise to Build Trust and Confidence:

  1. Drop your to-do List of 100 things. Pick 1 thing today that is important to you, and do it.

    Have you been putting your artwork off? Promise yourself to go into the studio today, and then rinse and repeat tomorrow.

    That’s a promise to yourself. When you follow through, you are showing yourself respect. 

    The more you do that, the more that you will trust that you can do anything.

  2. Celebrate every small win!

    What have you done recently that you can celebrate and feel proud of?

    Feel confident in real time. If you don't celebrate the joy of your journey then your destination is going to be harder to get to. It will also be less worth it.

    The journey is about your purpose and enjoying those small moments. So, think of something you’ve never done before that you have tried?

    What did you learn by trying?

Follow me on Instagram @jennawebbart.

I will provide these mantras and affirmations for you in some beautiful tiles that you can keep and remember for yourself.

Learn more about working with me to get the support you need in your art business:

If you would like to work with me personally, we can do that together inside my signature program Artpreneur Academy. 

The Academy is a fully comprehensive, customizable blueprint to becoming a self-reliant, empowered, art business owner. 

It’s worked for over 750+ artists! 

And it can work for you too. 

You can visit this page: Artpreneur Academy more or click the button below to learn all about it.

I hope you loved today’s episode, and are on your way to feeling more confident.

Love and Positive Vibes,


PS - Would you do me a solid, my love? Would you take a quick minute to Subscribe + Rate the Show 5 Stars!? ⭐️ Your support means the world to me & it really helps artists like you discover a message they need.

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