3 Phrases to Sell Your Art Now Lesson
Steal my proven word-for-word phrases to copy/paste when you post your art for sale
If you want to learn exactly what to do to get your next art sale - Click the button below to get the 15-minute lesson instantly:
You Will Learn
How to Overcome the 3 Big Mental Blocks Holding You Back from Asking for the Sale
How to Get a Sale Now Using a CTA "Call to Action"
3 CTA Phrases that Sell Art - 3 Magic phrases to close the sale. Just copy and paste these next time you post your work online
How to Be 100% Comfortable Wearing the Sales Hat in Your Art Business
Get Instant Access to the Fast lesson - and start posting your work for sale today!
If you want to learn exactly what to do to get your next art sale - Click the button below to get the 15-minute lesson instantly

$75 Value
Only $27 today!
Snag the exact same strategy I use to sell my artwork + the other hundreds of Artpreneur students I’ve taught to do the same!
This 15 Minute Fast Lesson is for You If
Are you afraid to ask for the art sale?…Maybe it's scary or maybe you don't want to turn people off.
But you have to do it if you want to move your artwork!
I'm here to help make sales easy (and fun!)
Because art sales + accepting money is simply an exchange of energy. It's about confidence and having fun connecting with our art fans.
Once we get confident about this exchange, and know what to say when we ASK for the sale…
Then all the awkwardness, anxiety, and dread just MELTS AWAY.
From there it becomes easy-breezy and fun! Simplifying the ASK is the 1st step to big opportunity. And I got you, babe!
You can watch and sell your art 15 minutes from now!